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Orange Nutrition

Orange and Grapefruit Nutrition

Vitamin C (also known as ascorbic acid)
How does vitamin C help?

  • Acts as a scavenger to harmful elements in your body. One of the most powerful antioxidants, vitamin C neutralizes free radicals (harmful elements naturally occurring within the body and through environmental factors) Vitamin C also helps the maintain a healthy body.

  • Increases iron absorption. As many as 20 percent of all women, and up to 80 percent of women who exercise, may be iron deficient. Vitamin C can help boost the absorption of non-heme iron (the iron found in plants, not meat products). So including a glass of grapefruit juice before eating a spinach salad helps your body absorb two to four times as much iron.

  • Supports a healthy immune system. When you feel that tickle in the back of your throat and your nose starts running, it is important to give your body the fluids and nutrients it craves to stay healthy. A serving of grapefruit juice can provide vitamin C and a host of other nutrients to keep your immune system strong and healthy.

    An eight-ounce glass of 100 percent grapefruit juice contains 60 milligrams of vitamin C, more than a full day's supply!
What does potassium do?

  • It's important for maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance in cells. It also assists in sending nerve impulses, helps muscles contract, and releases energy from protein, fat and carbohydrates during metabolism. According to the National High Blood Pressure Education Program, potassium plays an important role in maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system.

    One 8-ounce glass of grapefruit juice provides 300 milligrams of potassium, 9 percent of the Daily Value.

What does thiamin do?

  • Thiamin helps convert food into energy the body can use and is needed by all cells and tissues.

  • According to a recent USDA survey, the average intake of thiamin by women 19 to 50 years of age is slightly below the Recommended Dietary Allowance of 1.5 mg.

    An 8-ounce glass of grapefruit juice provides 6 percent of the Daily Value for thiamin. 

What does calcium do?
  • Calcium aids in bone and teeth, supports a healthy blood pressure level and healthy muscle function.

According to recent USDA surveys, average calcium intakes for young women and men are below recommended amounts. The average calcium intake by women 20 to 29 years of age is about 778 milligrams per day, and the average calcium intake by men 20 to 29 years of age is 1075 milligrams6.

Calcium-fortified grapefruit juice is an excellent non-dairy source of calcium that is lactose free.

What does magnesium do?
  • Helps your body generate energy and is required for the action of over 300 enzyme systems in your body.

  • A study by the USDA found that during moderate exercise, people with low magnesium levels used more energy and tired more easily than those with adequate levels12.

  • Magnesium may help maintain healthy blood pressure levels and contribute to bone health. Magnesium works hand-in-hand with calcium and phosphorus in maintaining bone health.

    An 8-ounce glass of grapefruit juice provides 6 percent of the Daily Value for magnesium.

What does folate do?

Folate is essential for healthy growth and development.

An 8-ounce glass of grapefruit juice provides 6 percent of the recommended 400 micrograms of folate each day. 

What does niacin do?
  • Niacin helps metabolize the food you eat into energy your body can use. Niacin also is used for healthy DNA maintenance and helps the body use calcium.

    An 8-ounce glass of grapefruit juice provides 2 percent of the Daily Value for niacin.
Vitamin B6
What does vitamin B6 do?
  • Vitamin B6 helps the body process protein and carbohydrates in food and helps produce hemoglobin, a part of red blood cells that carries oxygen to all parts of the body.

    An 8-ounce glass of grapefruit juice provides 4 percent of the Daily Value for vitamin B6. 
What do carotenoids do?

  • Carotenoids give fruits and vegetables their unique and vibrant colors. They also act as powerful antioxidants against free radicals that can damage cells. 
What do phytonutrients do?
  • Scientists believe these plant-derived components are intimately involved in fighting cellular damaging free radicals.
  • Unlike traditional nutrients (protein, fat, vitamins, minerals), phytonutrients are so "new," the recommended daily amounts considered "essential" for health have not yet been determined. However, the importance of phytonutrients is steadily becoming apparent as research uncovers more benefits, such as enabling nutrients to work more efficiently

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    Source: Florida Department of Citrus
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